metal in the activity series allow you to predict reaction

metal in the activity series allow you to predict reaction

How is the reactivity of a metal summarized in the activity series? How does the placement of a metal in the activity series allow you to predict whether a reaction will, or will not, occur?

> Any metal on the list can be oxidized by the any metals below it.

> Any metal on the list can be oxidized by the ions of the metals below it.

> Any ion on the list can be oxidized by the metals below it.

> Any metal on the list can be reduced by the ions of the metals below it.

[참고] 이온화 서열

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예를 들어, 아연과 구리를 비교하면,

이온화 서열: Zn > Cu 이므로,

구리 이온이 들어있는 수용액에 아연 금속을 넣으면,

Zn(s) + Cu^2+(aq) → Zn^2+(aq) + Cu(s)

---> 반응이 일어난다.


아연 이온이 들어있는 수용액에 구리 금속을 넣으면,

Cu(s) + Zn^2+(aq) →

---> 변화 없음. 반응이 일어나지 않는다.

답: > Any metal on the list can be oxidized by the ions of the metals below it.

[키워드] 이온화 서열 기준

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