waste 50 m 15 m 2 m density 85.31 lbm/ft3 weight in lbf
waste 50 m 15 m 2 m density 85.3 lbm/ft3 weight in lbf
길이 50 m, 넓이 15 m, 평균깊이 2 m인 폐기물 처리장에
밀도가 85.31 lbm/ft3인 폐기물이 들어있다.
단일 차원 방정식을 이용하여
이 처리장의 폐기물 무게를 lbf의 단위로 계산하라.
A waste treatment plant with a length of 50 m, a width of 15 m,
and an average depth of 2 m contains waste with a density of 85.31 lbm/ft3.
Calculate the weight of waste from this treatment plant in lbf
using a single dimensional equation.
[참고] 환산 인자
[ https://ywpop.tistory.com/3121 ]
> 1 ft = 0.3048 m (exactly, 정확한 값)
▶ gravitational acceleration. 중력 가속도
> exactly as 9.80665 m/s2 (about 32.174 ft/s2)
“Standard gravity” is defined as exactly 32.174049 ft/s2,
but usually rounded to 32.174 ft/s2.
---> 1 lbf = 32.174 lbm•ft/s2
(50×15×2 m3) (1 ft / 0.3048 m)^3 (85.31 lbm/ft3) (32.174 ft/s2) (1 lbf / 32.174 lbm•ft/s2)
= (50×15×2) (1 / 0.3048)^3 (85.31) (32.174) (1 / 32.174)
= 4519041 lbf
답: 4.519×10^6 lbf
[참고] A waste treatment pond is 50 m long and 15 m wide, and has an average depth of 2 m. The density of waste is 85.3 lbm/ft3. Calculate the weight of the pond contents in lbf, using a single dimensional equation for your calculation.
(50×15×2) (1 / 0.3048)^3 (85.3) (32.174) (1 / 32.174)
= 4518512 lbf
= 4.52×10^6 lbf
[ 관련 글 https://ywpop.tistory.com/17477 ] lbm = pound-mass
[키워드] lbm to lbf 환산 기준, lbm 단위를 lbf 단위로 환산 기준, lbm을 lbf로 환산 기준, 정확한 중력 가속도 기준, 정확한 중력 가속도 사전
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