A stellar object is emitting radiation at 3.0 mm

A stellar object is emitting radiation at 3.0 mm

어떤 별이 3.0 mm의 복사선을 방출한다.

A stellar object is emitting radiation at 3.0 mm.

a) What type of electromagnetic spectrum is this radiation?

b) If a detector is capturing 3.0×10^8 photons per second at this wavelength,

what is the total energy of the photons detected in 1 day?

a) What type of electromagnetic spectrum is this radiation?

3.0 mm × (1 m / 1000 mm) = 0.0030 m

---> 마이크로파(microwave)

( 파장이 1 mm와 1 m 사이의 전자기파 )

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/6723 )

E = hν = hc / λ

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/4964 )

= [(6.626×10^(-34) J•s) (2.998×10^8 m/s)] / (0.0030 m)

= (6.626×10^(-34)) (2.998×10^8) / (0.0030)

= 6.6×10^(-23) J

---> 광자 1개의 에너지

(1 day) (24 hr / 1 day) (60 min / 1 hr) (60 sec / 1 min)

= (1) (24) (60) (60)

= 86400 sec

---> 1 day = 86400 sec

(6.6×10^(-23) J / 1개 광자) (3.0×10^8 개 광자 / 1 sec) (86400 sec / 1 day)

= (6.6×10^(-23)) (3.0×10^8) (86400)

= 1.7×10^(-9) J/day

---> the total energy of the photons detected in 1 day

[키워드] 전자기파의 종류 기준, 마이크로파 기준, e = hv 기준

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