15 psi 압력밥솥 물이 끓는 온도

15 psi 압력밥솥 물이 끓는 온도

대부분의 압력밥솥은 15 psi에 맞춰져 있고

이 압력은 대기압보다 15 psi가 높다.

(1 atm = 14.70 psi)

클라우지우스-클라페이롱 식을 이용하여

압력밥솥에서 물이 끓는 온도를 계산하시오.

A pressure cooker (a kitchen appliance) is a pot on which the top seals tightly, allowing pressure to build up inside. You put water in the pot and heat it to boiling. At the higher pressure, water boils at a higher temperature, and this allows food to cook at a faster rate. Most pressure cookers have a setting of 15 psi, which means that the pressure in the pot is 15 psi above atmospheric pressure (1 atm = 14.70 psi). Use the Clausius-Clapeyron equation to calculate the temperature at which water boils in the pressure cooker. Enthalpy of water vaporization is 40.7 kJ/mol.


> P1 = 14.70 psi, T1 = 273.15 + 100℃ = 373.15 K

> P2 = 29.70 psi, T2 = ? K

> 물의 증발 엔탈피, ΔH_vap = 40700 J/mol

( 문제에서 주어져야 할 값. )

Clausius-Clapeyron 식

ln(P2/P1) = –ΔH/R (1/T2 – 1/T1)

( 참고 https://ywpop.tistory.com/3133 )

ln(29.70 / 14.70) = –(40700 / 8.314) (1/T2 – 1/373.15)

1/T2 – 1/373.15 = –ln(29.70 / 14.70) / (40700 / 8.314)

1/T2 = –ln(29.70 / 14.70) / (40700 / 8.314) + 1/373.15

T2 = 1 / [–ln(29.70 / 14.70) / (40700 / 8.314) + 1/373.15]

= 394.29 K

394.29 – 273.15 = 121.14℃

답: 121℃

[키워드] 15 psi pressure cooker dic, 15 psi 압력 밥솥 기준, 클라우시우스 기준, 클라우지우스 기준, 클라우 기준

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