Axial and Equatorial Bonds in Cyclohexane
축 방향 결합(A)과 적도 방향 결합(E)
▶ Axial positions. 축 방향
> In cyclohexane, a bond which is parallel to the axis of the ring,
or a group attached by such a bond.
> The six hydrogens are oriented above and below the approximate plane of the ring (three in each location), and are termed ‘axial’ because they are aligned parallel to the symmetry axis of the ring.
> 고리가 포함된 평면과 수직인 결합
▶ Equatorial positions. 적도 방향
> In cyclohexane, a bond which is perpendicular to the axis of the ring
( i.e., the bond lies along the equator of the chair ),
or a group attached by such a bond.
> The other six are located about the periphery of the carbon ring,
and are termed ‘equatorial’.
> 고리가 포함된 평면과 평행한 결합
[키워드] 축 방향 적도 방향 기준, 적도 방향 축 방향 기준, 축 방향 적도 방향 사전, 적도 방향 축 방향 사전
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